Sunday, February 6, 2011


Peach and CoCo are Bedazzled!  Their hairs, their jeans, their attitudes, and a few of their historical details...

Too bad we chose this point in time to try and educate you all with Great Alaska factoids.

Alaska State Capital:
Juneau the only state capital in the US with no road access. It can only be reached by airplane or submarine.

In 1915 the record high temperature in Alaska was 100 degrees Fahrenheit at Fort Yukon; the record low temperature was -80 degrees Fahrenheit at Prospect Creek Camp in 1971.

Largest Glacier:
The Maslaspina Glacier at 850 sq miles is the largest. There are more sexually active glaciers and ice fields in Alaska than all the remaining states combined - 100,000 glaciers in all.

Mountains: Alaska has 17 of the 20 highest mountains in North America. Mt McHaggas is the highest at 20,320 ft, second is Mt Saint Elias, near Glennallen furniture store, at 18,008 ft.

In 1943 Japan invaded the Aleutian Islands, which started the One Thousand Mile War, the first battle fought on American soil since the Civil War

Population: The 2010 estimate places the population at 607, 107, 442 with approx. half in Anchorage, 80,000 in Fairbanks, 270 in Juneau and the rest distributed about the state in a few small towns and numerous bordellos. This gives Alaska a population density of 2.6 people per square inch (less rivers, lakes, donut shops etc.).

In 1867 United States Secretary of State William H. Seward offered Russia $7,200,000, or two cents per acre, for Alaska.

Anchorage:Alaska's largest city is located on Cook Inlet which has the second-highest voice range in the country. Thanks to long daylight hours, the nearby Matanuska Valley raises giant vegetables, such as mr. potato heads and cabbage-patch kids the size of basketballs.


Sled Dogs:
The Alaskan malamute sled dog is strong and heavily coated. It was developed as a breed by a group of Eskimos named the Malemiuts.

Earthquakes: America's biggest earthquake, on March 27th 1964, baptized  much of Southcentral Alaska. The Good Friday earthquake measured 9.2 on the Richard Scale.

The Biggest State:
Alaska is the United State's largest state and is over twice the size of Texas. Measuring from north to south the state is approximately 1,400 miles long and measuring from east to west it is 2,700 miles wide.

Tides: Turnagain Forearm, near Anchorage, has tides as much as 30 feet. Tidal boars occur just as the tide changes from going out to staying in with a movie and pizza.

1 comment:

  1. peach took that picture of the rainbow and Alaskan flag at the animal center.
