Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend. Doing Actual Labor

Peach and Coco spent all last weekend at the Renaissance Fair and were truly inspired by how crafty and talented the ye old timey folks of Renaissance times were. This weekend they decide to become actual Renaissance gals (read: stinky unbathed homemaking hippies) by doing things such as harvesting, sewing, and crafting in the bountiful state of Washington.  No! We are not going Amish - we can't even afford a horse and buggy!  But they had fun in the sun collecting the first fruits of the season and putting their creative little fingers to work.

Who knows, perhaps next week they will have graduated to more advanced Renaissance endeavors with activities like: canning, pickling, soap making, butchering animals & blacksmithing. If so, there will surly be pictures to feast your eyes on.


Black Berry Delights
aka: little nuggets of delicious.
I see a pie in your future 

Thank you cow, thank you for delicious milks!

Those apples are so fucking good we can't contain ourselves!

Or walk, you lazies!

Coco, and the creator of Coco...Wendy

Oh, I'm so APPI 

Coco come back!  There's still cheeze farms and wineries to visit!


Fancy Apple Spiral because only fancy apples are grown in WA

Where does the corn go?

Bowing Flowers - watch out, flowers!
Peach will harvest you too, if you aren't careful 


Peach was testing out the widow lace.
Meanwhile, her left eye was trying to escape .

New costumes designs.
Just what do you think these girls are getting into?
Nerddom, that's what.

Silky jimmer-jammers  patterns will remedy our nerd curse!
Peach's very first sewing! Of course she begins with silk!

These pins & needles taste delicious!

CoCo, apparently in the fanciest sewing frock unnecessary.

Where is Don Quixote when you need him?

I'm on a boat

Ahoy! Salty Dogs and Brassy Wenches! 
CoCo's better side.  The "wise" side, shall we say?

Boats and Fish this way

Coco making this little baby salmons jump out of the water 

more fish tormenting

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Peach and CoCo's Excellent Adventure!

Here ye, here ye!  Come hither and listen to the tale of Peach and CoCo’s most excellent adventure through time!

School had not yet begun and already your impetuous bloggers had a history assignment!  Bogus!  They were nowhere near prepared – the danger of Alaska military school loomed over their heads.   Luckily, they were familiar with pop culture and were hosting a friend who just so happened to have a magic phone booth (rental car) with him. 

The triad traveled back back back through time to find the place of historical significance in Carnation Washington.  Who knew the northwest had medieval history!  They learned a great many bodacious things that day.

They first heard the trumpet call.  An aged announcer required we swear allegiance to the King and to the Lord Geoffrey of Camlann, the name of this particular royal estate.  The girls then entered through the gate with the other travelers.

Excuse me, Dude!  Could you tell us where we could find some personages of historical significance?

Medieval babes?  Princesses!
Thus these most discerning time travelers began their journey through Camlann, ready to take notes and learn all they could to ace the final exam which inexplicably would determine the course of the world.

Ye Olde Activities List.  Do not thou miss the  beheadings,  just after medieval arts and crafts!

The currency consisted of groats and pence.  The large coin is the groat, the middle sized coin is a half-groat, and the small coins are a pence each.

How many ye olde medieval gumballs does this get?

But these coin are not free, knave!  A body must earn their keep and serve their lord!  Unless they totally have greenbacks to trade at the front gate's currency exchange that is...  Nonetheless, lords and ladies, here are just a few of the occupations to be found in Medievalville.

Here is the rad smithy, working with heinous  hot metals.  Watch out, dude!

When that poor girl isn't pumping the gallows, her master makes her handle heavy, burning metal objects.

Not even adorable little children escape servitude!  Once they have finished their hard tack and ale, its back to  the mud pits!
This squire is training to be a knight.  His instructor had no mercy.  There was much bogus body slamming and throwing to the ground.
Watch thou, now, as I layest upon this welp the most unholy smackdown!

Medieval Wild Stallions rule!  Minstrels are totally rocking the hurdy gurdy and drums.
These sisters apparently have escaped the confines of the nunnery and are now whoring their beautiful hymnals to the paying public.  Rebellious witches!

More cheese and grapes, wench!  Time travel begets a hungry belly. 

Ahh mead!  A most excellent beverage to cool our throats!

Princess Peach was made to scrub the scullery and sleep by that sooty hearth until she earned the name Cinderpeach.

Not even Princess CoCo escaped her duties.  She worked her chin off assisting the wood  crafter.
It worked!  The totally bodacious babes were able to gather enough information to give the best and most tubular presentation for history class.  Somehow, this also saved the world.  Boy, were they relieved!

U-Dub Huskies football rules!!!!!!
As they returned to their own time, the credits began to role, and the rocking tunes that made up their adventurous soundtrack began to play....

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mr and Mrs Peach and CoCo

We’re getting married!

Whup – no wait.  CoCo and Peach are definitely NOT getting married.  We are 1) not in New York and 2) too much infatuated with handsome manly meaty men to go down that magical road.

"He'll pick you Peach." "No no, he is totally into you Coco"

However, we DO want to say congratulations to all the totally legal-to-marry-each-other folks in New York.  And we found ourselves chatting –alternating tones of scorn and longing- about our fantasy weddings, as wistful single women with clocks ticking are apt to do.
You are rockin turquoise & marriage now

We both came to several conclusions, the foremost being that neither of us is interested in a traditional wedding.  We feel that expensive, customary weddings are a little like when you walk into Target in September and the isles are full of Christmas decorations.
what is this?

 Like, somehow an unintentional commercialism has crept into a couple’s special heartfelt ceremony of ultimate love proclamation.  Somehow, out of the color coordination and buffet menu comes bride-zillas, epic debt, too many sets of flatware, shallow gossip, and unnecessary drama.  Which song will we play for the first dance?  The world is going to EXPLODE into lava if we don’t agree on the PERFECT song for the first dance!
This is our special day you asshole!  Get back  here and make it magical,  dammit!

Our ideas for wedding fun and practicality:

1.       Instead of a Bed Bath and Beyond gift registry, invite guests to bring their favorite booze as a gift.  We are booze loving adults who like to build our booze collection, and if the friend or family member writes his/her name on the bottle, that’s the bottle we’ll bust out when that person comes to visit. 

Pictured: Always a winning gift.

Someone seriously registered for this. Seriously.
Yes, this is a rock.  

2.       The ceremony is short.  The reception goes all night.  Unless both are held in the same venue, we don’t see why so much money should be spent on church decorations when it could have gone toward a better live band, or party favors, or a motorcycle.
Saving on pew streamers can get you this!

3.       All-inclusive resorts!  Go to Mexico, London, Antarctica, wherever you’ve always dreamed of going.  The novelty and escape is just as festive as and much more alluring than a dressed up rent-a-hall in your local Marriot.
Best Mexico wedding of all time. Margarita time!

4.       Your favorite holiday! Or any theme.  Themed weddings always contain a touch of fun.   Has there been a Halloween wedding yet, people?  I’d love to go to a Halloween wedding!
...and I promise to suck your blood through good times and in bad, for better or for worse...

We looked online at traditional and non-traditional wedding photos, and came up with a few hilarious results…
Actual cat wedding (Really, owners?  Really?!).  Cost: $45,000. 

Actual wedding containing cats.  Cost: everyone's dignity
The altar was an eighth month journey away.  Some guests died getting there.

Fool storm troopers!  No one but the bride may wear white!  You fail again!
They coasted right into each others hearts!
A whole new meaning to "coming up for air."

Till death do you part... seriously.
A very bountiful (bounciful?) marriage.  He can't stop gazing into her - we can't even finish the joke.
We'll end on this note.